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The Tech-for-Humans Era

30 June 2022

Intesa’s vision for innovation in the “new normal”

The lockdown has been a testbed for digitalization in Italy. It forced us to think about our relationship with technology, innovation, and one other. For a long-term solution to reopen the country, we need business models which places humans, sustainability, and ethics front-and-center.

The pandemic changed everything. 2020 will be remembered as a watershed year in the modern era, leaving a bruise as unforgettable as that of 9/11. We used to live in a world where lethal viruses were action-movie fodder. Covid-19 has taught us to take nothing for granted, neither our daily lives, nor our jobs, and certainly nor the economy and our plans for the future.

Tech for Humans: innovation for humankind

The joint effect of the social distancing and of the digital “dependence”, which marked our lives during the lockdown, is a reflection on the importance of human relationships, and our relationship with technology. The result, in this “new normal” stretching before us, is that innovation and digital transformation have been transposed into a new key, with a human-centered focus.

We can only hope that the post-Covid-19 era will be guided by the needs and wellbeing of humankind viewed through a more evolved perspective. Humanity, sustainability, ethics: these will all have much more room for growth within the digital transformation. This is the era of Tech for Humans.

Business models for the post-Coronavirus epoch

The lockdown has been, inarguably, a testbed for digitalization. Those lucky enough to have already created a resilient business model, transferred workflows onto digital platforms on the cloud, and made a move towards smart working enjoyed a clear advantage compared to those who were tied to physical office locations and paper documents. Those left behind were forced to hit the ground running or risk being caught in the Covid-19 web.

Personal experience, therefore, must play a fundamental role in a company’s strategic planning in the coming months. Investments must be made in user experience, in innovative approaches to process design (design thinking, co-creation, and co-development), and in increasingly customized and user-centered experiences. This will take place in part thanks to the integration of artificial intelligence.
There’s no going back: the time to generate new business models that are both strategic and forward-thinking is now. To continue on this road paved by the “new normal,” companies must use scalable collaboration tools and digital platform. They must be able to have multiple users access the same document flow at any time and from anywhere. Only then can they be agile in their responses to trends in an as-yet uncertain marketplace.

Taking care of people while operating efficiently: Intesa’s strategic trajectory

At the beginning of the epidemic, Intesa’s immediate priority was to take care of its employees. For this reason, it activated smart working at the end of February. The implementation of smart working at Intesa comes as part of a journey begun some time earlier, and coupled with an increased focus on sustainability (economic, social, and environmental), transparency, and ethics, all of which can be summed up in one word: trust.

Intesa also launched the InWellness program dedicated to employee wellbeing, with initiatives in the fields of nutrition, physical activity, and smart working. The program’s goal is to increase employee satisfaction and motivation with a view towards optimizing human capital. Intesa believes that a company is made up primarily of people: healthy people make for a healthy enterprise.

An additional program was dedicated to Intesa’s under-35 set: InTribe. This is a space where the youngest of our team members can feel free to express ideas, share experiences, and seek out opportunities for professional and personal development. Events and workshops (not all of which are strictly job-related) are held regularly.

Finally, Intesa has set a goal to create a new way of doing business. Intesa will help companies to set off on a path towards sustainable innovation, with a view towards a reopening that is thoughtful, intelligent, and most importantly, human.

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