CA Autobank: loans go digital
Success Stories: Experiences in the Digital Sphere told by Businesses Themselves.
Myndys, electronic signature boosts productivity
Success Stories shared by our clients
Secure, legally compliant e-billing for international commerce
In B2B electronic invoicing the regulations in the European Union and other countries change very quickly. Here’s how to adapt.
Eli Lilly, lean approach and shared models for sustainable healthcare
Success Stories as told by our customers
BPER: Retooling company processes to ensure a 360-degree customer experience
Success Stories as told by our customers
Invoicing, EDI, and B2B Onboarding: An international perspective
From the perspective of regulatory requirements regarding e-Invoicing, the international landscape is still uneven. To make international interoperability more efficient, it is therefore necessary to rely on strategic partnerships.
Assilea: Data management to prepare for the future
Success Stories as told by our partners
Fulmine Group: The QES linking recipient and sender
Success Stories: Experiences in the Digital Sphere told by Businesses Themselves
At CCB Group, Customer Connectedness Survives and Thrives in the Digital Age
Success Stories: Experiences in the Digital Sphere told by Businesses Themselves
Sara Assicurazioni: Loyalty Ensured Thanks to Electronic Signatures
Success Stories: Experiences in the Digital Sphere told by Businesses Themselves.
Sorgenia: Going Paperless, and Accelerating the Time to Market
Success Stories: Experiences in the Digital Sphere told by Businesses Themselves
Pitagora – Customer Experience Goes Digital Thanks to Video Interaction and DTM
Success Stories: Companies Relate their Experiences in the Digital Transformation.