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Intesa, a Kyndryl Company does not renew agreement as SPID Identity Provider

21 February 2023

The company will no longer deliver SPID to individuals, but will continue its activities as a Service Provider

Turin, Feb. 21, 2023 – Intesa, a Kyndryl Group company that has been working in the area of digital transformation for more than 35 years and is among the leading providers of qualified trust services in Italy and Europe, has shared with AgID its willingness not to renew its five-year agreement as an Identity Provider, so it will no longer be among the private SPID digital identity providers. Customers of IntesaID, the SPID credentials provided by Intesa, have already been informed, and will be able to choose to obtain credentials from another Identity Provider free of charge.

The cessation of activities as an Identity Provider will have no impact on the operation of existing or future solutions, as Intesa will continue to invest in its role as an AgID-accredited SPID Service Provider. Identity Providers, in fact, are the entities authorized to issue SPID, while Service Providers are authorized to integrate identification through SPID into their solutions.

In this way, Intesa will be able to continue to focus on business solutions, while also continuing its growth in digital identity and closely supporting the evolution of the European Digital Identity Wallet.

A strategic decision, then, but more than that: after five years as an Identity Provider, the company felt that the SPID model had not evolved sufficiently to be made sustainable for participating companies, even in the face of the strong growth in users in recent years and the continued technological investment required.
In addition to economic sustainability, among Intesa’s motivations for stepping down from its role as Identity Provider is a desire to work more closely on other important innovations destined to change the digital identity market.

«SPID is likely to converge within the broader project of the European Digital Identity Wallet, on which the European Community is working» explains Giuseppe Mariani, General Manager of Intesa: «for this reason Intesa has decided to focus its resources on its role as a Service Provider by also joining the Potential Consortium with the aim of contributing to the study and development of Large Scale Pilots».

«SPID will presumably remain a tool with which to periodically attest one’s identity within the wallet even though most of the SPID credentials in circulation do not have the level of security that the European Commission seems to want to impose for access to the EUDI Wallet and this could be another point in favor of CIEid. SPID was and is a very important tool but we want to look at the future and the technological evolution from a community perspective», Mariani concludes.

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About Intesa, a Kyndryl Company

For over 35 years Intesa, a Kyndryl Company has been designing and developing SaaS services for business processes digitalisation. Intesa’s services and platforms meet each industry’s specific needs: from EDI to legal archiving, e-signature and e-invoicing. Intesa designs authentication processes and biometric identification as well, by using frontier technologies (AI and blockchain).

Intesa’s approach is based on people: by using design’s methodology (co-creation and design thinking) our innovation projects involve all the stakeholders from the very beginning, in order to point out all the pain points and improvement areas that may bring benefits inside and outside the company.

Media Contacts
Simonetta De Santis
E-mail: simonetta.desantis@intesa.it
Website: www.intesa.it

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