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BPER: Retooling company processes to ensure a 360-degree customer experience

3 February 2022

Success Stories as told by our customers

Customer interactions are becoming increasingly complex, intricate, and diversified, but simplicity and immediacy continue to be hallmarks of a positive customer experience. A complex, post-pandemic world that companies are just now learning to navigate. For banks and financial institutions, regulatory compliance adds another layer of complexity.

Implementing a digital customer experience means more than “going paperless” – it requires the kind of fundamental restructuring of processes that will allow for companies to meet their customers’ needs in a digital environment.

This is the approach taken by BPER, a bank with a 150-year history, and one that turned to Intesa for exactly this type of restructuring of its interactions with its clientèle.

“The main objective of this entire journey was to revisit, rethink, and improve user experience, or better still, to overhaul the experience from start to finish. With this goal in mind, we launched a process-mapping cycle, which spanned company procedures, company divisions, and activation segments. From there, we identified the areas that could be streamlined, and where this type of retooling would yield the greatest impact”

BPER’s IT Director Omar Campana, from his remarks on the bank’s digital transformation during the Forum ABI Lab, held last 23 March. 

Following that process-mapping stage, BPER launched a service that would allow for e-signing of contract documents, featuring secure authentication of the signatories. This service allows contracts to be signed remotely whilst ensuring they remain legally binding. All documents are then filed in accordance with statutory requirements.

The detailed design of this solution is what led to the construction of an authentication, signing, and document-management platform, which not only added value for the bank’s customers, it made company processes more flexible and scalable, thanks to its new conception as a series of microservices. The result was modular, adjustable, and flexible enough to evolve as the times demand. For BPER in particular it meant having a service that was both reliable and resilient.

The IT Director noted resiliency was a touchpoint that informed the company’s choice of technology partner. “It was one of the factors that guided us in our selection of our technology partner, and which continues to be a key for us in general: the ability to easily bounce back from interruptions. We have to be accountable for the degree of reliability expected for these types of services. The activation of a service that enables a new or refurbished ‘total experience’ must always grapple with ‘what is expected’ – a dynamic that is clearly here to stay. ‘Full functioning’ is a must, to be sure, but it’s easier said than done, and once achieved, it must be maintained over time, regardless of the changes and adjustments that become necessary”.

Essentially, digital transformation is borne of a careful analysis, one that takes the company’s structure into account. Digital transformation ushers in tangible advantages in the short term, along with the possibility of adaptation for the future. Campana went on to say: “In terms of upcoming evolutions, from a technology standpoint, ModelOps operability will no doubt become increasingly the norm. Take, for example, the management of those arenas in which the touchpoint-analysis and user-experience model provides the input for data collection, in the vein of a ModelOps component that conducts behavioural analysis, where the output is feedback on how to streamline and evolve UX and UI”.

Proof-positive of a bona-fide digital transformation, where a focus on the details means one can tackle any challenge the future brings.

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